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The Widow By Fiona Barton
The Widow By Fiona Barton This was my first experience with Barton and it wasn't the greatest. The Widow follows a woman named Jean whose husband is accused of kidnapping and murdering a little girl. Jean, unable to have children herself, longs for a child and throughout the story we are teased into thinking maybe she had something to do with the girl's disappearance. But the story plays out exactly as you would expect, and that enticing tidbit is left off the table. Instead we follow the rote procedural of a detective obsessed with the case and a journalist who wants the inside scoop and talks her way into Jean's life in order to get it. There are other suspects, but the overall feeling of this book is predictability. We know who did it. There is no major twist. I found Jean to be a milksop and not at all the type of woman I expect in a book published in 2016. She was easily led, bullied by her husband, and I was sick of her after a couple of chapters. There were so m...
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