The Overstory By Richard Powers


The Overstory

By Richard Powers

This book follows several characters who each come to begin to see and understand the interconnectedness of the natural world and their place in it as their stories eventually converge in different ways over the idea of saving the natural world from the world's most invasive species: humans.

It unfolds in tightening circles as the characters begin to come together over this idea of trees and the communication structures they hold underneath the ground, unseen but alive and resourceful. The characters eventually have to face the inevitable catastrophes that await them as the destruction of forests occurs despite their efforts to save them.

This was a complicated book, the language sometimes difficult, but I was enthralled with it. The unfolding of the stories of these characters as their stories began to intersect was interesting. I liked the structure of it. It was, perhaps, too long in spots and sometimes felt repetitive, but the descriptions of the settings and the science behind (and below) the trees was captivating. I love treees, so of course I was interested in all of that. The story was secondary.

I'm giving it 4 stars.


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