The Time Traveler's Wife By Audrey Niffenegger


The Time Traveler's Wife

By Audrey Niffenegger

This is my best friend's favorite book and everyone raves about it, so I was glad to finally get to it. 

Henry DeTamble is a time traveler who has no control over his disappearances, which seem to result from feelings of high stress. He appears in a few reoccurring places throughout the years. Most often he appears to Clare Abshire throughout her life, from the age of 6.

When he first comes to her he is in his 30s and knows she is the little girl version of his future wife. Henry spends his time with Clare teaching her things and dodging her questions about the future.

When she sees him in her own time at the age of 20 (Henry is 28) she hints at the fact that she has known him for a long time, even though he is just meeting her for the first time. So begins there love affair and the tangling up of their stories throughout the years, which results in the devastating reality of Henry's condition, a reality they hope will not be the end of their daughter as well, who also is able to time travel.

This is a complicated story to relate here, but a beautiful one that had me in tears a couple times. Audrey Niffenegger does a beautiful job of weaving the story through its various times and places, building the momentum to the final scenes, which are both sad and beautiful. It is a love story built around fate and faith, belief that everything happens in its time and for a reason. I loved it. 5 stars!


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