Maurice By E.M. Forster



By E.M. Forster

 Maurice Hall is conventional by all standards in his Edwardian society, except that he is gay. As he grows up he tries to deny the fact, but then falls in love with a boy from school and they form a romantic relationshi9p that ends when Clive marries, denying his feelings for Maurice.

Maurice focuses his energies on work, unwilling to believe that Clive doesn't love him. But he eventually falls for someone of a lower class and finds that he can truly be happy if he denies the conventionality he has relied on his whole life.

This was a beautifully written story, my first experience with E.M. Forster. It was moving and I could fully identify with Maurice's struggle, particularly when Clive denies him and Maurice is afloat with his feelings. I liked the class discussion, and was particularly happy when Maurice decided love mattered more than his standing in society.

It was an excellent book, elegant and emotional. 4 stars.


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