Monogamy By Sue Miller

Monogamy By Sue Miller Graham and Annie are both on their second marriages, now married to one another. Annie believes they have the perfect life, though lately she suspects something is wrong with Graham. She gave up her budding art career as a photographer to stay with him in the town where he opened a bookstore. Throughout the years she has come to terms with that decision. But Graham has been hiding a secret. He has been seeing another woman. Annie knows that Graham had been sleeping with other woman during his first marriage, which was for him an open one. Though his first wife divorced him because she did not want that life and he refused to change. When Graham dies in his sleep, Annie learns about his affair and goes through the steps of grief in coming to terms with losing him, losing her image of him, and the life she gave up for him. Did she really know him at all? This was my first experience with Sue Miller and I loved this book. The writing was beautiful and t...