Wild Swans By Jung Chang


Wild Swans

By Jung Chang

Wild Swans recounts the histories of Jung Chang, her mother, and her grandmother in China and their harrowing lives under communism, the Cultural Revolution, and the rise and fall of Mao Zedong. It is sweeping in scope with difficult and often brutal descriptions of what the three women, their family, friend, and neighbors had to endure for decades.

I have to admit the writing style was not my favorite, though I found the history interesting. There was a lot of telling, and hopping from place to place and event to event in jarring ways. Though there was some good and often beautiful descriptions, they were interwoven in contexts that often felt displaced. I didn't get on with it.

Perhaps a different style would have made it more compelling for me because the torment and struggle Wild Swans recounts should by definition have interested me and kept me glued to the page. But I had a hard time wanting to pick it up.

I can only give it 3 stars, unfortunately.


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