In Cold Blood By Truman Capote


In Cold Blood

By Truman Capote

In this true crime novel, Truman Capote recounts the events leading up to the murders of the Clutter family in their home in Holcomb, Kansas in 1959 by Richard Hickock and Perry Smith. Capote gives the timeline of events from both the Clutter family and the murderer's points of view until the fateful night of the killings, then continues on through the search by detectives and what the killers did afterward before being arrested, tried, and hanged.

It was a great read, the prose elegant and effectual in sympathizing for the victims while trying to dissect the states of mind of the killers. Capote limits his own role in the book with his involvement in interviewing Hickock and Smith, but his presence in the story is noted. His prtrayal of the cold bloodedness of the killers was haunting. In the end, I thought Capote had no sympathy for them. They got what they deserved.

It was an easy 4 stars.


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